Local Students
Enrolment for local students at MCOHB is easy and straightforward. We provide a range of support services and resources to help you make the transition to studying with us. Our dedicated team are here to answer any questions you may have about enrolment.
MCOHB is not a government subsidised training provider, it does not provide Skills First or VET Student Loan funding, all of the courses delivered at MCOHB are on a Fee For Service basis.
What MCOHB can provide to students who choose to study at MOCHB is quality training, flexible timetabling to assist student to manage their working life with their study life.
MCOHB courses are aligned with what the industry wants when a graduate commence work with them. Because the training at MCOHB is work based you gain the practical skills needed to succeed in the workforce.
How To Enrol
Enrolling at MCOHB is quick and easy
Step 1 – Choose a course. You can select from many courses on our website.
Step 2 – Apply by submitting your enrolment application to [email protected] Interview or audition (not applicable to all courses)
Step 3 – Accept your course offer Letter
Step 4 – Pay your enrolment fees
All students enrolling in a course with MCOHB must complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment, before commencing the selected course. This is to ensure that you meet training package LLN requirements.
All students who study in any courses in Australia from 1 January 2015, must also have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. You can make one on the USI website.
College Procedures
Policies and Procedures
MCOHB’s policies and procedures are available on this website click here or you can request to have a copy of the policy and procedure that you are seeking emailed to you.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all policies are clearly understood and if you do not understand the policy, seek clarification from your trainer or the college admin staff and/or management.
N.B. (Ninos create a hyperlink to the Forms and Policies tab page and then to the policies page.
National Recognition
Melbourne College of Hair and Beauty recognises and accepts the qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation based in a State/Territory of Australia.
Course Credit
Course Credit is exemption from enrolment in a particular part of the course as a result of previous study, experience or recognition of competency currently held. Course Credit includes Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning which are described below.
There are some general guidelines regarding Course Credit:
- Course Credit may be granted to students who are able to demonstrate appropriate prior learning or experience. During the enrolment process students will be asked, whether they wish to apply for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning. It is imperative that students understand that these options are open to them.
- You may be eligible for Course Credit and not realise it. Even if you have never formally studied or trained in a particular area, you may have gained knowledge and skills through your education, training, work and life experience. You could have your existing knowledge and skills formally recognised.
- Where Course Credit is granted against Units of Competency of a Qualification you are planning to enrol in, the duration in which the student is expected to complete the course will be reflected by a consequent reduction in the course duration.
- Students will be asked whether they accept the granting of Course Credit by signing a Feedback form. The process of granting Course Credit by Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning is described below.
- Students may also appeal against any Course Credit decisions.
- MCOHB will give the student a copy of the Course Credit for their records.
- If you are an International student, MCOHB will report any reduction of course duration either by indicating a change in the Certificate of Enrolment or via PRISMS under section 19 of the ESOS Act depending on the timing and granting of Credit Transfer.
What is National Recognition?
Melbourne College of Hair and Beauty recognises the qualifications that are presented by any student, provided that they are original (or verified) copies from any Australian Registered Training Organisation. National Recognition underpins the Credit Transfer principle.
Credit Transfer (CT)
Credit Transfer (CT) is a process that provides credit for a unit of competency previously achieved. This means that if you have completed a unit of competency at another Australian Registered Training Organisation, that is identical to one in which you are currently enrolled you may be eligible for Credit Transfer and you won’t need to complete that unit of study again. For Credit Transfer, you must bring along with you the original Statement of Attainment or Certificate and you will not be required to undertake the RPL procedure. Units of competency are defined in Training Packages which are periodically updated, so there can be occasions where a unit of competency that you have completed may not exactly match the new unit of competency; in these cases you will be referred to the Recognition of Prior Learning process.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) refers to recognition of competencies currently held obtained through informal learning regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Under AQTF, competencies may be attained in a number of ways, including formal or informal training, education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the candidate is currently competent as defined within the National Training Package or outcomes specified in accredited courses.
The evidence may take a variety of forms and may include certification, reference from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.
RPL and credit transfer procedures ensure that each application is considered according to accreditation guidelines. RPL fees apply.
Course Fees
The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment, however the training product tuition fees will not be more than the maximum tuition fees published.
Support Services
Headspace: 1800 650 890
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
Coronavirus Specific Support:
Headspace Online Services
Coping during Coronavirus
Managing My Daily Life
Staying Healthy
Older People and Mental Health