Real Life Salon Experience
All of your practice and assessments will be done on real paying clients in our hairdressing or beauty salons. We have extremely well established salons that are open to the public, offering discounted services to enable you to practice on as many clients as possible.
On many occasions, our salons are even fully booked!
Nationally Recognised Training
The Melbourne College of Hair and Beauty (MCOHB) delivers courses from the National Hairdressing, Beauty and Business Training Packages to students of all nationalities. It is accredited to the highest standards of both industry and government while offering flexible training options – shaping courses to fit your lifestyles and ambitions.
Face-to-Face Learning
Students are taught the latest techniques by expert instructors in intimate classes. Individual client workstations and treatment spaces enable the student to interact with the client on a one-to-one basis under supervision. Additional equipment is also provided by MCOHB.
Access to all the resources you need
We have partnerships with many brands offering discounts to our students to enable them to build up their equipment kits as they need.
Library Resources
Each of the subjects MCOHB offers has their course notes and supporting information available on our E-learning website. As a student, you may access these at any time.
Each unit of study is accompanied by MCOHB resource books. The books provide you with current information related to the area of study and includes activities, assignment details and areas for instructor comment and evaluation. Unit books must be completed as per the instructions specified. The cost of unit books is incorporated into the course fees.
In addition to these texts, there is an extensive library of text books, reference texts, industry documentation, DVDs and other audiovisual materials.
Highly Qualified Trainers
You undertake competency based training where you apply your knowledge as you progress so that you may emerge from MCOHB as a competent and proficient professional. You will perform a wide range of skills on paying members of the public in our realistic simulated hairdressing and beauty salon. MCOHB provides you with extensive resources.
Hands-On Industry Involvement
When you study at MCOHB, you not only study hairdressing, beauty therapy and make-up (on and off-the-job) but you are also encouraged to get involved in activities relating to the hairdressing and beauty industry, such as hair shows, photography shoots, and hair competitions.
Mentored by a successful artistic team, there are significant opportunities for students to showcase their skills.
MCOHB often collaborates with companies such as Myer, Chadstone, Study Melbourne, Crown, Womens Weekly and many others to give you industry involvement and the confidence to put your skills into real life circumstances.