Teaches Excellence
Melbourne College of Hair & Beauty
est. 1962
Explore CoursesExcellence
Teaches Excellence
Melbourne College of Hair & Beauty
est. 1962
Explore CoursesExcellence
Teaches Excellence
Melbourne College of Hair & Beauty
est. 1962
Explore CoursesWelcome to the Melbourne College of Hair & Beauty
Face to face learning, with real life, hands-on experience.
Provider of world class training in fully accredited Hairdressing, Beauty and Make-Up Courses.
The Melbourne College of Hairdressing & Beauty (MCOHB) has a comprehensive range of Certificate & Diploma Courses available for study.
We have a well established hairdressing and beauty salon open to the public, in the heart of Melbourne CBD, so you will be able to practice your skills on real paying clients.
Our salons, are on many days, fully booked with clients!

What We Offer
Why choose Melbourne College of Hair & Beauty?

Small Class Sizes
Ideal for maximum learning

On The Job Training
Provide on the job training in our fully functional salons

Boost Your Career
Re-skilling courses for those already in the industry

Experienced Instructors
Hands on training with all of our instructors who work in industry

Balanced Programme
Relaxed yet progressive teaching programme