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SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International

This course { SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International } is available for International students. Click here for details.

CRICOS Course Code: 112787F

SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International

Study Information

  • Pre-requisite: None
  • Duration: Scheduled 80 weeks including semester breaks (3 Days a Week)
  • Enrolment Age: 18 years or older
  • Start Dates: Provided on inquiry
  • Clinical work placement:
Apply to Study SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International in Melbourne
Enrolment EOI

(N.B: New Zealand residents tick International onshore inquiry)

SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International

This qualification reflects the role of barbers who use a range of well-developed sales, consultation and technical skills and knowledge to provide a broad range of barbering services to clients. They use discretion and judgement to provide client services and take responsibility for the outcomes of their own work.
The qualification provides a pathway to work as a barber in any industry environment, usually a barber shop or salon.

Full Fee for the Service:

Tuition fee (Offshore): $14,500
Tuition fee(Onshore): $13,500
Admin fee: $350 (non – refundable)
Material Fee $850 (Textbook, kit)
No interest monthly payment plan.
Training and assessment is conducted at MCOHB’s training facilities: Level1 1 Star Crescent Docklands, Melbourne Victoria 3008.

  • Units Delivered During Training

    Click to expand and view the unites delivered in SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International

    • SHBXWHS001 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices
    • SHBXIND00 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment
    • SHBXIND002 Communicate as part of a salon team
    • BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
    • SHBXCCS001 Conduct salon financial transactions
    • SHBXCCS002 Provide salon services to
    • SHBHBAS001 Provide shampoo and basin
    • SHBHCUT001 Design haircut structures
    • SHBHCUT002 Create one length or solid haircut structures
    • SHBHCUT003 Create graduated haircut
    • SHBHCUT004 Create layered haircut structures
    • SHBHCUT005 Cut hair using over-comb techniques
    • SHBHCUT007 Create combined traditional and classic men’s haircut structures
    • SHBHCUT009 Cut hair using freehand clipper techniques
    • SHBHCUT011 Design and maintain beards and moustaches
    • SHBHCUT012 Shave heads and faces
    • SHBHCUT013 Provide men’s general grooming services
    • SHBHDES001 Dry hair to shape
    • SHBHIND001 Maintain and organise tools, equipment and work areas
    • SHBHIND003 Develop and expand a
    client base
    • SHBHTRI001Identify and treat hair and scalp conditions
    • SHBHCUT006 Create combined haircut
    • SHBHCUT010 Create haircuts using tracks and carving
    • SHBHIND002 Research and use hairdressing industry information
    • SHBXCCS004 Recommend products and
    • SIRRINV001 Receive and handle retail stock

Language Literacy Numeracy (LLN)

At MCOHB the ACSF core skills entry levels for each course are determined by referring to the foundation skills in the training package. Core skills are assessed using an approved industry specific paper-based assessment tools to assess an applicant’s LLN capability. For the SHB30516 Certificate III In Barbering International on a scale of 5, students are expected to achieve the following levels for the five ACSF core skills areas:

  • Learning: 4
  • Reading: 3
  • Writing: 3
  • Oral communication: 4
  • Numeracy: 3

Academic Entry Requirements

  • Successful completion of minimum Year 11 in Australia or equivalent in student’s country of origin OR
  • Holders of an AQF qualification level III and above OR
  • Applicants with no formal qualification and have experience within the industry may also be considered.
  • Be 18 years of age or above
  • A minimum English level of IELTS 5 or equivalent is required for international applicants.